All businesses transacting within the City of Pinole are required to obtain a Business License. This includes home based businesses, a fixed place of business, a contractor doing business in Pinole, or the operation of a rental property. The license fees are for a calendar year and will be prorated quarterly based upon the starting date of the business and the license will expire on December 31 st . The business license application must be submitted before the business start date.
Rental property owners must obtain a certificate of compliance with the Residential Health and Safety Program before applying for a business license. Please visit the following link for more information on how to obtain a certificate of compliance.
Business licenses are not automatically closed after expiration. To inactivate a license, please notify the City in writing at the email below or 2131 Pear St. Pinole, CA 94564.
Additional application and renewal information is available under the corresponding section below. For additional questions email or call 510-724-9008.
You may submit your application along with a credit card authorization via email at or mail it with a check payable to the City of Pinole to 2131 Pear St. Pinole, CA 94564. Applications are also available by visiting City offices.
Note your application must be submitted along with payment in order to be processed. The fee schedule can be found below. Please reach out to the Finance department if you need assistance in calculating the fees.
Business License RenewalAll Pinole Business Licenses issued are effective on a calendar year basis of January 1 st through December 31 st . Business Licenses expire on December 31 st of each year, at which date, the renewals are due and payable. Failure to pay the license tax by January 31st will result in a penalty of 50% of the total license tax.
A renewal notice is sent out as a courtesy to all businesses with an active Business License at least 30 days before the expiration date. It is the Business Owner’s responsibility to pay the tax by January 31st. If you did not receive a renewal notice, fill out the application below, check renewal on the top right-hand corner, enter your business license number, and submit it along with payment.
You renewal can be submitted along with a credit card authorization via email at, dropped off at city offices, or it can be mailed with a check payable to the City of Pinole to 2131 Pear St. Pinole, CA 94564.
Apply for and Schedule InspectionsBuilding and Fire Inspection are typically required prior to issuance of a business license. Please schedule appointments by contacting the Pinole Building Division and Contra Costa Fire Protection District (ConFire) using the instructions below.
To schedule a Building Division inspection for a business license: